§ 78-18. Reduction in number of oversized signs.
Purpose. The board of commissioners finds that all oversized signs lawfully erected prior to the adoption of section 78-17 in unincorporated Gwinnett County are legal nonconforming uses. Consistent with the provisions of section 78-8 concerning nonconforming signs, it is the desire of the county that such nonconforming uses be permitted to continue, but that they be reduced over time. The board of commissioners further finds that the development of electronic oversized signs provides a valuable opportunity to enhance the utilization of existing signage within the county. Such electronic oversized signs must be properly regulated to ensure they do not constitute a traffic hazard or otherwise negatively impact the aesthetics of the county. Therefore, the board of commissioners finds that the modification of a limited number of existing legal nonconforming oversized signs to electronic oversized signs, in exchange for a reduction in the overall number of nonconforming oversized signs, constitutes a benefit to the county in regard to traffic safety and aesthetics.
Exchange ratio and permitting.
Oversized signs not located within 500 feet of a residence. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any existing legal nonconforming oversized sign face(s) or panel(s) existing on the date of adoption of this ordinance amendment and not located within 500 feet of a residence may be modified to an electronic oversized sign face(s) or panel(s). The applicant shall remove from within unincorporated Gwinnett County at least three other legal nonconforming oversized sign face(s) or panel(s) of equal or greater square footage to that sign being converted to an electronic sign. For the purposes of this subsection, in order to obtain credit for removal of only one side of two-sided sign, the entire sign structure must be removed during the exchange process. An existing legal nonconforming oversized sign face or panel modified to an electronic oversized sign face or panel pursuant to this subsection shall not be located within the distance of another oversized electronic sign as set forth in subsection (f)(4) of this section.
Any legal nonconforming oversized sign face(s) or panel(s) existing on the date of adoption of this ordinance amendment that is located within 500 feet from a residence may be modified to an electronic sign face(s) or panel(s), in accordance with the provisions set forth in subsection (b)(1) of this section subject to approval by the board of commissioners as a special use permit pursuant to the provisions set forth in the county unified development ordinance, including, but not limited to, all applicable postings, certified mailings to residents within 500 feet and public hearing requirements. When determining the appropriateness of modifying an existing legal nonconforming oversized sign to an electronic oversized sign if located within 500 feet of a residence, the board of commissioners will consider factors including but not limited to whether or not the electronic sign face will be visible from the residence(s) that is within 500 feet; whether or not electronic sign faces visible from the residence(s) are properly buffered and screened from lighting cast from the sign; and whether or not there are other existing or changing conditions that would give supporting grounds for either approval or disapproval of the requested modification.
Determination criteria. In determining the exchange ratios set forth in subsection (b) of this section:
Multiple sign panels may be combined to satisfy the necessary sign face or panel removals. For purposes of this subsection, in order to obtain credit for removal of only one side of a two-sided panel, the entire sign structure must be removed;
Two sign faces or panels not less than 300 square feet shall equal one sign face or panel of 672 square feet in size;
For purposes of the installation of an electronic sign face or panel 672 square feet in size, the applicant may remove six sign panels not less than 300 square feet in size to comply with the removal requirements;
When signs are removed containing more faces or panels than necessary for a pending or current request to install an electronic sign face or panel, the applicant shall be entitled to utilize such extra sign face(s) or panel(s) toward future upgrade requests for not more than 24 months from removal.
Eligibility criteria. In order to be eligible for exchange credit, the entire above-ground sign structure upon which the sign faces/panels to be exchanged are located must be removed. The applicant will not be issued a building permit to upgrade the designated sign to an electronic oversized sign until such time as the oversized signs designated in the application to be removed are actually removed, and the applicant otherwise shows compliance with the provisions of this section relating to electronic oversized signs.
Construction. The final permit shall provide that except for the replacement of the sign face(s) with the electronic sign panel, and any associated structural improvements or reconstruction required by current building codes for such signs, the designated sign shall not be moved to another portion of the property, increased in size or height, or otherwise modified in a manner which increases the nonconformity of the structure unless a variance is first obtained to permit such modification.
Regulation. In addition to the provisions of this chapter, each oversized electronic sign shall conform to the following:
Each individual static message must be displayed for not less than ten seconds.
Oversized electronic signs may not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.30 footcandles (under measurement conditions) above ambient light levels as measured at the following distances:
Electronic Sign Sq. Ft. Distance < 100 sq. ft. 100 ft. 101 sq. ft.—300 sq. ft. 150 ft. ≥ 349 sq. ft. 250 ft. (3)
Upon request of the director, the owner of said oversized electronic signs shall arrange for a certification of the light intensity showing compliance by an independent contractor and provide said certification to the director.
No oversized electronic sign shall be located within 5,000 feet of another oversized electronic sign on the same side of the road (measured along the edge of right-of-way).
Where located on a state-controlled route, each oversized electronic sign must comply with all state department of transportation rules and regulations applicable to electronic changeable message signs when not in conflict with this chapter. The stricter of the rules and regulations apply.
Public service. Owners of oversized electronic signs are encouraged to coordinate with the local authorities to display, when appropriate, emergency information important to the traveling public, including, but not limited to, Amber Alerts or emergency management information.
(Ord. No. GCID 2015-0541, § 8-115A, 7-28-2015)