§ 900-90. Sidewalk Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 900-90.1Sidewalks. Sidewalks and curb ramps shall be constructed in all new development or redevelopment along all abutting or internal streets, existing or new, private or public. Whenever a discrepancy occurs between the design and construction standards of this UDO and any state or federal regulation, then the most restrictive shall apply.

    900-90.2Sidewalk and curb ramp installation and timing. Sidewalks and curb ramps shall be installed as follows:


    Developers shall connect proposed sidewalks on developed property to the adjacent property's sidewalks.


    Residential subdivision projects. Sidewalks and curb ramps, where required, shall be installed on new internal streets (both sides including "eyebrow" turnarounds and cul-de-sacs) and on abutting external streets (abutting side).


    Residential subdivision developer's responsibility. Developers shall install sidewalks and curb ramps on abutting external streets, "passive" recreation areas, common area and open space prior to the approval of the Final Plat. Sidewalks on "active" recreation area lots shall be installed prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.


    Homebuilder responsibility. Homebuilders shall install sidewalks, and curb ramps not required to be installed by developers, on residential lots prior to release of the Certificate of Occupancy for a home.


    Non-residential and non-subdivision projects. Sidewalks shall be installed on new internal streets (both sides including cul-de-sac and "eyebrow" turnarounds) and on abutting external streets (abutting side) by the lot owner or developer prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.


    Performance surety. Performance surety for sidewalks and ramps not yet installed must be approved by the Director. The surety shall be in an amount acceptable to the County.


    Escrow alternative. The cost of sidewalk installation may be set aside in escrow with the Department of Transportation if proposed road improvements by the County may impact the location of a sidewalk or if

    the sidewalk cannot be constructed due to topographic or utility constraints. Costs shall be set at a linear rate by Gwinnett DOT and are subject to include construction, acquisition, and engineering costs for sidewalk projects within the County.

    900-90.3Sidewalk design and construction standards. Sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of this section. The Director is authorized to grant Modifications upon specific application due to topographic or drainage difficulty as well as alternative design proposals after receiving a recommendation from the Department of Transportation.


    Width. Sidewalks shall be at least 4 feet wide on new internal subdivision streets and at least 5 feet wide on abutting external streets with the following exceptions:


    Sidewalks shall be at least 5 feet wide on new internal streets or drives within the Senior Oriented Residence District (R-SR) and Office-Residential District (O-R).


    Sidewalks shall be at least 5 feet in width on new local non-residential streets and 5 feet in width for new local residential streets in the TND and Mixed-Use Districts (MU-N, MU-C and MU-R) and shall conform with this Section and any additional requirements of Sections 210-190 through 210-225.


    Setback. Sidewalks shall be located at least 2 feet from the back of curb. The area between the curb and the sidewalk shall consist of grass or landscaping and shall be consistent with the requirements of Chapters 600 through 640 of this UDO. Where no curb exists, or if road improvements are proposed for installation by the County, sidewalks, including appropriate storm-water infrastructure, shall be constructed in a location acceptable to the Gwinnett County Department of Transportation.


    Cross slope. Sidewalks shall be constructed with a cross slope of 0.25 inch per foot. Sidewalks shall maintain this cross slope at driveway crossings or transition the sidewalk to a driveway with ramps and detectable warnings.


    Material. Class "B" concrete (as defined by Georgia Department of Transportation) with a minimum strength of 2,200 PSI at 28 days.


    Final stabilization. Disturbed areas resulting from sidewalk construction shall be backfilled, stabilized, and grassed or landscaped.


    Georgia Department of Transportation controlled roads. Sidewalks located in the right-of-way of roads under the jurisdiction of the Georgia Department of Transportation shall be constructed in accordance with Georgia Department of Transportation design and construction standards.


    Sidewalk curb ramp design and construction standards. Intersection radius curb ramps shall be provided at street intersections. Straight ramps may be provided at intersections of curbed driveways and at streets without sidewalks. Curb ramps shall meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act .


    Damage repair. Damage to roads, sidewalks, curbs, and ramps caused by construction or development activity shall be repaired at no cost to the County within 30 days or prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, whichever is earlier.