Gwinnett County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 900. Infrastructure, Streets, Sidewalks, Multi-Use Paths, Greenways |
§ 900-80. Curbs and Gutters.
900-80.1 Curb and Gutter Required. All new streets and Project Access Improvements shall be provided with curb and gutter except in subdivisions zoned RA-200, where swale ditches may be provided in lieu of curb and gutter. All gutters shall drain smoothly with no areas of ponding.
900-80.2 Residential Curbing. Residential curbing shall meet the following requirements:
Concrete shall be Class "B" (as defined by Georgia Department of Transportation) and have a minimum strength of 3,000 PSI at 28 days.
Typical minimum section shall be 6″ × 24″ × 12″.
Vertical curbing only.
900-80.3 Industrial or Commercial Curbing. Industrial or commercial curbing shall meet the following requirements:
Concrete shall be Class "B" (as defined by Georgia Department of Transportation) and have a minimum strength of 3,000 PSI at 28 days.
Typical minimum section shall be 8″ × 24″ × 14″.
Vertical curbing only.
900-80.4 Collector and Arterial Curbing. Collector and Arterial curbing shall meet the following requirements:
Concrete shall be Class "B" (as defined by Georgia Department of Transportation) and have a minimum strength of 3,000 PSI at 28 days.
Typical minimum section shall be 8″ × 30″ × 14″.
Vertical curbing only.
900-80.5 Construction Methods.
Curb and gutter shall be set true to line and grade, be field staked, and finished to the section shown on the plans. Along the Project Access Improvements of a road which the Department of Transportation has identified for resurfacing within one year of the new construction, the grade of the new gutter shall be placed 1 inch above the Project Access Improvement pavement grade in areas where drainage will not be adversely affected.
Line and grade shall be field staked for grades less than two percent and grades over 12 percent, and within 100 feet in both directions from all low points.
One-half inch expansion joints or premolded bituminous expansion joint material shall be provided at all structures and radius points and at intervals not to exceed 250 feet in the remainder of the curb and gutter.
Inferior workmanship or unprofessional construction methods resulting in unacceptable curb and gutter will be cause for rejection of the finished work.
Disturbed areas along all curbing shall be backfilled, stabilized, and grassed.