§ 360-40. Site Design.  

Latest version.
  • 360-40.1Project Access Improvements.


    Every developer of land within the jurisdiction of unincorporated Gwinnett County shall provide the project access improvements included in this UDO as shall be appropriate to serve the project, in accordance with these regulations and other pertinent Codes, Ordinances, and regulations of Gwinnett County. Said improvements and associated lands shall be provided at no cost to Gwinnett County, and shall be dedicated or otherwise transferred, as required, to the public in perpetuity and without covenant or reservation, except as otherwise provided herein.


    For all business and industrial developments fronting a state highway, no land disturbance or building permits shall be issued until the approval of the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has been obtained by the applicant on the entrances and exits, curb radii, drainage and other matters that are the appropriate concern of GDOT.

    360-40.2Unsuitable Land May Not Be Developed. Unless otherwise noted within the UDO, land subject to flooding, improper drainage or erosion, and any land deemed to be unsuitable for development due to steep slope, unsuitable soils or subsurface conditions, etc., shall not be subjected to development for any uses as may continue such conditions or increase danger to health, safety, life, or property, unless steps are taken to eliminate or abate these conditions.

    360-40.3Unsuitable Land Must be included in Buildable Lots. Land within a proposed subdivision or development which is unsuitable for development shall be incorporated into the buildable lots as excess land, unless otherwise noted within the applicable zoning districts. Lots which do not comply with the requirements of the UDO are prohibited.

    360-40.4Incorporation of Public Land into Buildable Lots. Whenever a developer proposes the dedication of land to public use, and the Director or the appropriate agency finds that such land is neither required nor suitable for public use, the Director shall require the rearrangement of lots to include such land in private ownership.