Gwinnett County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 360. Development Design Standards |
§ 360-100. Assignment of Names and Addresses.
360-100.1 Subdivision or Development Names.
Proposed subdivision or development names must be reviewed and approved prior to the issuance of a Development Permit. Names will be reviewed by the Department upon submittal of the Subdivision Development Plan or Site Development Plan.
Proposed names shall not duplicate or too closely approximate, phonetically, the name of any other subdivision or development in Gwinnett County or its municipalities except for extensions of existing subdivisions or developments.
Subdivision and development names may be reserved if submitted and approved along with the Concept Plan for the project.
360-100.2 Street Names.
Proposed street names for public or private streets must be reviewed and approved prior to approval of a Development Permit or recording of a Final Plat. Street names may be reserved through approval as shown on an approved Concept Plan or Subdivision Development Plan for the subdivision.
Street names shall consist of a root name of the subdivider or developer's choosing and a suffix designation (such as "Street", "Avenue", "Drive", etc.), and shall be followed by a quadrant suffix. Directional prefixes (i.e., "North", "South") and the prefixes "old" or "new" shall not be used.
All streets shall bear the proper quadrant suffix appropriate to its location within the County (i.e. NE, NW, SE and SW), as determined by the Department.
A proposed street that is obviously in alignment with another already existing and named street shall bear the name of such existing street, unless this requirement is waived by the Department of Transportation.
Except within the same development, no proposed street name shall duplicate (be spelled the same or be phonetically the same) as an existing street name within Gwinnett County regardless of the use of such suffix designations as "Street", Avenue", "Boulevard", "Drive", "Place", "Way", "Court", or however otherwise designated. In the same subdivision, a root name may not occur more than twice.
All street root names and suffix designations are subject to the approval of the Department. Obscene or otherwise unacceptable language, abbreviations, contractions, or initials may not be used.
Root names shall consist of no more than 13 characters including spaces. Letters not occurring in the English alphabet, hyphens, and numerals shall not be used.
360-100.3 Street Address Assignments.
A street address number will be assigned prior to issuance of a Building Permit. For any new structure proposed on a property which has not been assigned an address, a street number will be assigned upon confirmation or establishment of the property as a buildable lot of record under the requirements of this UDO. Unless a public or private street is proposed, an overall development located on one buildable lot of record shall be issued a single street address. The property owner shall be responsible for numbering/lettering individual buildings, suites and units.
Subdivisions. House numbers will be assigned after an Exemption Plat or Subdivision Development Plan is approved for the property. Submit two copies of the approved plat to the Department. Block number assignments shall also be designated for abutting major street name signs at this time.
For each of the plans listed below projects will be numbered after the developer submits the Site Development Plan or Subdivision Development Plan to the Department of Planning and Development.
Commercial/Industrial projects or buildings.
Apartment projects.
One number shall be assigned to the apartments when the project is located on one parcel.
Condominium projects.
Individual units shall be numbered consecutively if located along public or private streets.
Units in the "stacked-flat" configuration shall use the same numbering approach as applies to an apartment project.
The following numbering systems shall be followed per postal regulations:
Individual mailbox for each dwelling unit:
Each street in the project must be named.
Cluster box system — Centralized mailbox for entire project:
One street name will serve to assign all house numbers for mail delivery.