§ 350-20. Development Inspections.  

Latest version.
  • 350-20.1Development Inspections. Contact shall be made by the developer or contractor to the Development Inspection Section of the Department at least 24 hours prior to commencement of any development or construction activity for each of the following phases as authorized by any permit for site work or development. Inspections shall be made by the Department and passed prior to authorization for continuation of further activity or proceeding into new phases. Newly installed underground infrastructure including but not limited to; stormwater pipes and water and sewer lines must be installed per design standards and inspected by county development inspectors during regular business hours prior to cover up of any portion. Written authorization from the inspector must be obtained prior to any portion being covered up.

    The following items refer to construction activities that require a development inspectors approval before the next phase of construction occurs:


    Development of the site. Clearing, grubbing, grading or development of the site or any portion included under the permit.


    Grading. Installation of slope and grade stakes, erosion controls and detention facilities shall be required, inspected, and approved by a development inspector.


    Road Construction. The grading of areas for placement of the new roadway(s) shall be staked by the proper responsible parties as per the authorized plan. A pre-construction meeting shall be conducted on site before commencement of grading.


    Installation of storm drainage pipe, detention or other storm water facilities. Installation of storm drainage pipe, detention, or other storm water facilities require a pre-construction conference before commencement.


    Installation of sanitary sewer and appurtenances and/or water main extensions and appurtenances. This notification will be made by the authorized utility contractor after obtaining a utility construction permit from Water and Sewer Plan Review Section and will be made directly to the assigned Water and Sewer Inspector.


    Curbing of roadways. Inspection shall be requested before the forms have been set (if used). Roadway width will be spot checked by string line between curb stakes. The developer or his representative must be present for all "string line" related field inspections.


    Sub-base or subgrade of streets. After compaction, the subgrade shall be string-lined for depth and crown. The subgrade shall pass a roll test with no defects, to the satisfaction of the Department.


    Street base. The base will be string-lined for depth and crown, and shall pass a roll test with no movement to the satisfaction of the Department.


    Paving. A Department inspector shall be on site during the paving process to check consistency, depth, and workmanship, as applicable. For asphalt paving, the temperature of the material will be spot-checked, and evidence provided of quantity, thickness, and mix of installation.

    350-20.2Responsibility for Quality and Design. The completion of inspections by Gwinnett County officials or employees and authorization for work continuation shall not transfer responsibility for the quality of the work performed or materials used from the contractor or developer, nor imply or transfer acceptance of responsibility for project design or engineering from the professional corporation or individual under whose hand or supervision the plans were prepared.