Gwinnett County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 350. Inspections |
§ 350-10. Initiation of Development Activities.
350-10.1 Initial Activities Required.
Following the issuance of any permit authorizing clearing, grubbing, grading or development of a site, a preconstruction conference shall be mandatory for all phases of construction and conducted before erosion and sediment control installation or any land disturbance takes place.
The Development Inspections Section shall be contacted no less than 48 hours prior to scheduled start of construction to schedule the mandatory pre-construction conference. Attendees to include owner's representative, engineer, erosion control contractor, and site work contractors.
Site development related activities prior to this required pre-construction conference shall be a violation of the permitted scope of work. A Notice of Violation and a Stop Work Order will be issued on site and all work must stop until the pre-construction conference has been completed and all work prior to the pre-construction conference inspected for compliance with the rules, appropriate standards, regulations, codes and ordinances, then, if warranted corrections to illegal work completed before the work associated with the approved permit can proceed.
350-10.2 Additional pre-construction conferences may be required depending on the complexity of the project. Required preliminary erosion and sediment control measures must be installed in the field per the developer's authorized plans and inspected by the Department prior to actual grading or removal of vegetation. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be in place per State and County regulations as soon as or in conjunction with the commencement of activities and in continual coordination with the progress of the project and as per the authorized Erosion, Sedimentation and Pollution Control Plan.
Soil sedimentation detention facilities and BMPs must be installed and operational prior to major grading operations.
Buffer areas required to be undisturbed per Table 610.1 Table of Minimum Buffer Requirements, conditions of zoning approval, per the Metropolitan River Protection Act , or any other applicable ordinance, or regulation shall be designated by approved protective tree fencing and shall be inspected by the Department of Planning and Development prior to the commencement of any clearing, grubbing, grading, or development activities.
350-10.3 Tree Protection Areas. Prior to the initiation of land-disturbing activities and throughout the clearing, grubbing and grading process the following must be accomplished for a designated tree protection area in accordance with any approved Buffer and Landscape Plan or Tree Protection Plan for the property, as set forth in Chapter 610 and 630 of this UDO:
For trees which are not to be disturbed or removed, required protective fencing, and tree protection area signage shall be established and maintained in place. These barriers must be maintained throughout the land disturbance process and shall not be removed until the final landscaping phase has begun.
The tree protection areas shall not be encroached for any reason or be used for storage of earth and other materials resulting from or used during the development process.
Construction site activities such as parking, materials storage, concrete washout, burning, etc., shall be arranged to prevent disturbance or damage within or to the tree protection areas.
350-10.4 Stabilization for Erosion Control. If for any reason a lapse of 14 days occurs after initial land clearing, grubbing, and grading, or development activities have commenced, the developer and/or builder shall be responsible for reestablishing temporary vegetation cover of the site. If the lapse in construction activity extends beyond 30 days, permanent vegetative measures are required under the direction of the Department.