Gwinnett County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 320. Plan and Plat Guidelines |
§ 320-90. Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plan.
320-90.1 Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plans shall be prepared by an authorized registered professional, registered forester, or certified arborist in accordance with the specifications for such plans contained in Chapters 620 through 640.
320-90.2 The Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plan shall be shown on a site plan and included in a Site Development Plan, Subdivision Development Plan, or Concept Plan set and drawn to the same scale as the other development plans in the set. Specific sections of the Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plan may be shown at a larger scale for detail purposes provided the overall plan is at the same scale as the other development plans in the set. The Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plan may be combined with the Buffer and Landscape Plan for the project, at the option of the developer provided it remains legible.
320-90.3 The Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plan shall provide sufficient information and detail to clearly demonstrate that all applicable requirements and standards of this UDO will be fully satisfied.
320-90.4 The Tree Preservation and/or Replacement Plan shall contain but need not be limited to the following:
Project name, land district, land lot, parcel, north arrow and scale.
Developer's name, address, and telephone number.
The name, address, and telephone number of the authorized registered professional, registered forester, or certified arborist, in accordance with the requirements of Section 320-90.1, above, and the Seal or statement of professional qualifications of said person (which may be attached separately).
Delineation of overhead power lines and transmission lines.
Delineation of all minimum yard areas, buffers, and landscape areas as required by this UDO or conditions of zoning, special use or variance approval.
Total acreage of the site and total acreage exclusive of all zoning buffer areas.
Delineation of all areas located within a 100-year flood plain.
Existing trees to be retained in Tree Protection Areas:
Trunk location and size (to the nearest inch in diameter at 4.5 feet above the ground), of individual trees proposed to remain for credit toward meeting the minimum Tree Density Standard on the property.
Groups of three or more trees whose driplines combine into a single Tree Protection Area may be outlined as a group and their number, by diameter, shown in the Summary Table.
If the number and size of all existing trees to remain on the site exceeds the required tree density standard for the entire site, only those trees required to meet the minimum Tree Density Standard must be shown.
All Tree Protection Areas are to be outlined and labeled.
Tree Protection Measures:
A detail or description of the protective tree fencing to be installed, and the location of such measures, which at a minimum shall follow the dripline of all trees to be retained along adjoining areas of clearing, grading, or other construction activity.
Measures to be taken to avoid soil sedimentation intrusion into Tree Protection Areas, and the location of such devices.
Proposed location of temporary construction activities such as equipment or worker parking, materials storage, burn holes, equipment washdown areas, and entrance pads.
Proposed type and location of any tree save area signs or other pertinent signage.
If replacement trees are proposed to be planted in order for the property to achieve the required Tree Density Standard, the replacement trees shall be shown and their spacing and caliper identified, to the extent needed to achieve the minimum requirements. Trees grouped together in tree planting areas may be listed on the Summary Table by total number in the grouping, by size.
A Summary Table of the number of existing trees to remain by diameter to the nearest inch at 4.5 feet above the ground for preserved trees and for new trees to be planted by caliper at 6 inches above the ground for replaced trees, shall be shown along with calculations showing the tree density achieved for the site. Additional credits shall be noted where applicable.
Tree Canopy Calculations. (See Section 630-40.2)
The plan sheet which shows the grading plan, including existing and proposed contour lines, shall indicate the dripline location of all Tree Protection Areas through the use of shading on the plans. The exact location of each tree is not desired to be shown, only the limits of the Tree Protection Area and any other areas which are not to be disturbed.