§ 320-120. Final Plat Specifications.  

Latest version.
  • The subdivision of lots where there are proposed streets and related utility, stormwater and infrastructure improvements in accordance with an approved development permit shall conform to the provisions of Section 320-120 and all requirements of Georgia Law, including but not limited to O.C.G.A § 15-6-67 and latest amendments regarding recordation of maps and plats specifications.

    320-120.1Size. The Final Plat shall be clearly and legibly drawn in black ink on good legible reproducible paper or approved print material. The scale of the Final Plat shall be 100 feet to 1 inch (1"=100') or larger. Sheet size shall not exceed 24 inches by 36 inches.

    320-120.2Certified Boundary Survey. The Final Plat shall be based on a certified boundary survey delineating the entirety of the property contained within the Final Plat, and tied to a point of reference (tie point) with the same degree of accuracy as the boundary survey itself. The survey shall have an accuracy of no less than 1 in 10,000 feet.

    320-120.3Conformity to Subdivision Development Plan. The Final Plat shall substantially conform to the Subdivision Development Plan and it may constitute only that portion of the approved Subdivision Development Plan which the subdivider proposes to record at any one time, provided that such portion conforms to the requirements of this UDO, and said portion is not inconsistent with the public health, safety, or welfare. Any substantial deviation from the Subdivision Development Plan shall require revision and reapproval of the Subdivision Development Plan.

    320-120.4The Final Plat shall contain the following information:


    Name of the subdivision, unit number, land district, and land lot number.


    Name, address, and telephone number of owner of record, and the subdivider (if not the owner).


    Name, address, and telephone number of each professional firm associated with the portion of the subdivision within the Final Plat (engineer, surveyor, landscape architect, etc.).


    Date of plat drawing, graphic scale, north arrow; notation as to the reference of bearings to magnetic, true north or grid north, and indication whether bearings shown are calculated from angles turned.


    Location sketch of tract showing major surrounding features.


    Name of former subdivision, if any or all of the Final Plat has been previously recorded.


    Case number and date of approval for any applicable rezoning, special use permit, variance, modification, or waiver affecting the property.


    Location and dimension of any buffer, landscape strip, special setback, no-access easement, etc.


    Boundary lines of the tract, to be indicated by a heavy line, giving distances to the nearest one-hundredth foot and bearings to the nearest second. Bearing and distance to designated tie point shall be shown. The Plat shall have a closure precision of 1 foot in no less than 10,000 feet.


    Municipal or County jurisdictional lines approximately tied to the lines of the subdivision by distance and angles when such lines traverse or adjoin the subdivision; land lot lines traversing or adjoining the subdivision shall also be indicated.


    Locations, widths, and names of all streets and alleys within and immediately adjoining the plat, the location and widths of all internal public crosswalks, and all other public rights-of-way.


    Street center lines showing angles of deflection and standard curve data including radii, length of arcs and tangents between curves, point of curvature (PC) and point of tangency (PT).


    Lot lines with dimensions to the nearest one-tenth of a foot and bearings to the nearest second, and radii of rounded corners, as necessary to delimit each lot.


    Building setback lines along streets with dimensions.


    When lots are located on a curve or when side lot lines are at angles other than 90 degrees, the lot width measured in accordance with the provisions of Title 2 of this UDO may be required to be shown, if deemed necessary by the Department for clarity.


    Lots numbered in numerical order and blocks lettered alphabetically.


    Location and size of all drainage pipe, location and extent of detention ponds, the location and size of all public water mains and fire hydrants, the location and size of all public sanitary sewer lines and manholes and the location, dimensions, and purpose of any easements, including construction or slope easements if required.


    Location of any areas to be reserved, donated, or dedicated to public use with notes stating their purpose and limitations. Location of any areas to be reserved by private deed covenant for common use of all property owners, or dedicated to a homeowner's association.


    A statement of private covenants if any shall be recorded on the plat; otherwise, if covenants are separately recorded provide a statement as follows:

    This plat is subject to the covenants set forth in the separate document(s) attached hereto dated _______, which hereby become a part of this plat, and which were recorded _______ and signed by the owner.


    Accurate location, material, and description of monuments and markers (all monuments shall be in place prior to approval of the Final Plat).


    Certificates and statements specified in Section 320-120.7.


    All information required under the Georgia Metropolitan River Protection Act for recording of plats, if applicable.


    Extent of the 100-year floodplain and a floodplain chart showing the area within and outside the floodplain for each lot containing any portion of the 100-year floodplain. Origin of the floodplain data shall be indicated.


    Street address numbers and block number designations for street names on abutting streets, where appropriate.


    Individual lots shall be designated HLP (House Location Plan), RDP (Residential Drainage Plan) and/or RDS (Residential Drainage Study) if such are required by the Department to be approved prior to issuance of a Building Permit.


    All other notes or notations as may be required by the Department.

    320-120.5Warranty Deed. If any lands are shown on the Final Plat for dedication to Gwinnett County including street rights-of-way or easements, a Warranty Deed transferring title to said land in fee simple, in a form acceptable to the Director, shall be submitted with the Final Plat application.

    320-120.6Property Owner's Association/Homeowner's Association. If any lands are shown on the Final Plat for dedication to a Property Owners Association in order to meet minimum park or open space requirements of the UDO, a copy of the deed of transfer for such dedication and a copy of the instrument of incorporation of the Property Owners Association/Homeowner's Association shall be submitted with the Final Plat application.

    320-120.7Certificates. Each Final Plat shall bear the following certificates or statements printed or stamped thereon as follows:


    Final Registered Land Surveyor's Certificate:

    It is hereby certified that this plat is true and correct as to the property lines and all improvements shown thereon, and was prepared from an actual survey of the property made by me or under my supervision; that all monuments shown hereon actually exist, and their location, size, type and material are correctly shown. The field data upon which this plat is based has a closure precision of 1 foot in _______ feet and an angular error of _______ per angle point, and was adjusted using _______ rule. This plat has been calculated for closure and is found to be accurate within 1 foot in _______ feet, and contains a total of _______ acres. The equipment used to obtain the linear and angular measurements herein was ___________.

    By: ___________


    REG NO _______ DATE OF EXPIRATION _______


    Owners Acknowledgment and Declaration:


    The owner of the land shown on this plat and whose name is subscribed hereto, in person or through a duly authorized agent, acknowledges that this plat was made from an actual survey, and dedicates by this Acknowledgment and Declaration to the use of the public forever all streets, sewer collectors, lift stations, drains, easements, and other public facilities and appurtenances thereon shown.

    ___________      ________


    ___________      ________



    Final Plat Approval: The Director of the Department of Planning and Development certifies that this plat complies with Title 2 and Title 3 of the Gwinnett County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) and that it has been approved by all other operational County departments, as appropriate. This plat is approved subject to the provisions and requirements of the Development Performance and Maintenance Agreement executed for this project between the Owner and Gwinnett County. Acceptance of constructed greenways, if shown on the final plat, is hereby expressly excluded from approval and maintenance and shall not be accepted by the County until said greenway is completed in its entirety and verified that it has been built to standards as set forth in the UDO.


    Environmental Health Section Certification (for subdivisions served by septic tanks):

    The lots shown hereon have been reviewed by the Environmental Health Section of the Gwinnett County Board of Health and with the exception of lots _______ are approved for development. Each lot is to be reviewed by the Environmental Health Section of the Gwinnett County Board of Health and approved for septic tank installation prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.

    DATED THIS _______ DAY OF _______, 20___.

    BY: ___________

    TITLE: ___________




    Public Notice - Drainage:

    NOTE: Gwinnett County assumes no responsibility for overflow or erosion of natural or artificial drains beyond the extent of the street right-of-way, or for the extension of culverts beyond the point shown on the approved and recorded subdivision plat.

    NOTE: Stream Buffer Easements are to remain in a natural and undisturbed condition.

    NOTE: Structures are not allowed in drainage easements.


    Fee-simple layout plan for single-family detached lots less than 7,500 square feet: Every Final Plat for a subdivision proposing single-family detached houses on fee-simple ownership lots less than 7,500 square feet shall contain the following statement:

    NOTE: Lot layout plan is required on each lot to be approved by the Department of Planning and Development prior to a Building Permit being issued. This lot layout plan must be drawn to scale on a copy of a certified boundary survey of the lot. It must show all proposed improvements and easements on the lot and must indicate compliance with the requirements of Title 2 of this UDO and conditions of zoning approval. It shall be the builder's responsibility to ensure that the house is staked out on the site to match the approved lot layout plan.


    House Location Plans (HLP): On any Final Plat containing a lot for which a House Location Plan approval is required prior to issuance of a Building Permit (see Section 330-20), the following statement shall be included:


    A House Location Plan shall be required to be approved by the Department of Planning and Development prior to issuance of a Building Permit on those lots labeled "HLP". A House Location Plan is a scale drawing submitted by the builder at the time of the permit application. It is not required that this plan be prepared by an authorized registered professional. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that the house is properly located on the lot.


    Residential Drainage Plan (RDP) or Study (RDS): On any Final Plat containing a lot for which a Residential Drainage Plan (RDP) or Residential Drainage Study (RDS is required, the following statements shall be included, as applicable:

    A Residential Drainage Plan (RDP) [or Residential Drainage Study (RDS)] must be approved by the Storm Water Plan Review Section of the Department of Planning and Development prior to issuance of a Building Permit on those lots labeled "RDP" or "RDS" respectively.

    A Residential Drainage Study (RDS) must be conducted by the builder's design professional and approved by the Building Permits Section prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy on those lots so noted on the Final Plat.

(Ord. No. UDOA2015-00001(GCID No. 2015-0360), 4-28-15)