§ 240-60. Construction and Dimensional Requirements of Parking Areas.  

Latest version.
  • 240-60.1Layout. Except for single and two-family residential uses, all off-street parking areas for more than 5 vehicles shall be laid out, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:


    All parking areas shall have access to a public street and shall be designed to ensure ease of mobility, ample clearance, and the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.


    Adequate interior driveways shall connect each parking space with a public right-of-way. The design of driveways, or parking aisles, shall conform with Section 240-70.


    Bumper stops shall be installed to separate parking spaces from sidewalks, rights-of-way, adjacent properties and landscape strips to prevent overhangs or encroachments. Where required, bumper stops shall be a minimum of 6 inches in height and 6 inches in width. Bumper stops shall be constructed of concrete, stone, or approved equal, and be permanently secured to the pavement surface.

    240-60.2Pedestrian Circulation.


    Non-residential parking lots containing 200 spaces or more shall incorporate pedestrian access corridors into their design.


    Pedestrian corridors shall include 4-foot wide sidewalks with 2-foot grassed strips along at least one side of primary driveways. The pedestrian corridors shall connect parking areas directly with buildings and adjacent public streets. These corridors shall not apply to auto sales lots.


    Where pedestrian corridors cross a driveway, they shall be constructed as a raised, flat hump with a height of 4 inches and a 6-foot wide top with 4-foot wide ramps and marked as a crosswalk; or shall be constructed with an approved contrasting paver and marked as a crosswalk.


    Parking spaces shall not be located more than 200 feet from any pedestrian corridor.

    240-60.3Improvement of off-street parking lots.


    Parking lots shall be graded to insure proper drainage, installed on a minimum 4-inch gravel aggregate base with a minimum 2-inch asphalt topping or other approved surface of, concrete, porous concrete, or porous asphalt. An approved porous concrete, porous asphalt or grassed paving system may be permitted for surplus parking. Spaces with surfaces of modular block or grass shall be located on the outside perimeter of a parking lot.


    Each parking space, except for approved grassed paving systems, shall be clearly marked by a painted stripe no less than 3 inches wide running the length of each of the sides of the space or by curbing or by other acceptable method which clearly marks and delineates the parking space within the parking lot. Single and two-family residential uses are exempt from this provision.


    Maintenance and Appearance: Parking lots shall be maintained in good condition, free of potholes, weeds, dust, trash and debris. Porous paving and grass paving systems shall be maintained to function as designed.