§ 240-20. Parking Space Requirements.  

Latest version.
  • 240-20.1Minimum Parking Space Requirements. The minimum number of parking spaces shall be determined based on the spaces required for principal uses from the Table of Minimum Parking Requirements, unless the development qualifies for a reduction in minimum parking requirements as provided in Section 240-30. Where parking requirements for any use are not specifically defined in the Table of Minimum Parking Requirements, such requirements shall be determined by the Director based upon the most comparable use specified herein, and other available data.

    240-20.2Maximum Parking Requirements. Maximum parking requirements are established in order to promote efficient use of land, enhance urban form, encourage alternate modes of transportation, provide for better pedestrian movement, reduce the amount of impervious surface and protect air and water quality.

    240-20.3Required area for each parking space.


    Each automobile space shall be 9 feet wide and 18 feet deep as measured from face-of curb.


    Alternative surfaces used for parking and approved by the Director which do not require curb and gutter, shall be 9.5 feet wide and 18.5 feet deep as measured from the terminating edge.


    Up to 15 percent of the overall parking spaces provided for a non-residential development may be in the form of compact spaces. Compact parking spaces shall be 8.5 feet in width and 16.5 feet in depth as measured from back-of-curb, and shall be clearly marked as compact spaces.

    TABLE 240.1: Minimum Parking Requirements.

    Use/Development Minimum Maximum
    Category Parking Spaces Parking Spaces
    Adult establishments 1 per 400 sq. ft. 1 per 25 sq. ft.
    Automobile or truck rental 1 per 300 sq. ft. 1 per 150 sq. ft.
    No min. for inventory No max. for inventory
    Automobile sales; used car or new car dealership 1 per 400 sq. ft. 1 per 150 sq. ft.
    No min. for inventory No max. for inventory
    Automobile service center, tire store or lubrication facility 1 per bay 3 per bay
    Bank, Credit Union 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft.
    Billiard or Pool Hall 1 per 300 sq. ft. 1 per 100 sq. ft.
    Bowling Alley 1 per 300 sq. ft. or 1 per 100 sq. ft. or
    2 per bowling lane 5 per bowling lane
    Call Center (Office)/Data Center 1 per 300 sq. ft. 1 per 175 sq. ft.
    Car wash, full service 1 per 500 sq. ft., plus 4 stacking spaces per line 1 per 250 sq. ft., plus 10 stacking spaces per line
    Car wash, self service 1 within each wash bay 3 per wash bay
    Place of Worship * 1 per 5 seats in main sanctuary 1 per 2 seats in main sanctuary
    Community Garden No min. 5 spaces
    Convenience store, gasoline stations 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 125 sq. ft.
    Daycare center 1 per 400 sq. ft. 1 per 300 sq. ft.
    Equestrian Facility 1 per 10 stables 1 per 2 stables
    Equipment rental 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft.
    Funeral home 1 per 400 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft.
    Golf course 15 per 9 holes 30 per 9 holes
    Golf driving range 1 per tee box 1.5 per tee box
    Health Club, freestanding 1 per 300 sq. ft. 1 per 150 sq. ft.
    Hospital, nursing home, or personal care home 1 per 3 beds 1 per 2 beds
    Hotel/motel 1 per unit 2 per unit
    Industrial/manufacturing 1 per 2,000 sq. ft. 1 per 1,000 sq. ft.
    Kennel 2 spaces 10 spaces
    Laboratory/scientific research center 1 per 1,000 sq. ft. 1 per 300 sq. ft.
    Lodges and clubs 1 per 200 sq. ft. 1 per 100 sq. ft.
    Mini-warehouses 2 for office, plus 1 per 5,000 sq. ft. 2 for office, plus 1 per 2,000 sq. ft.
    Office; business or professional 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 225 sq. ft.
    Office, medical 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 150 sq. ft.
    Plant nursery 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft.
    Private club/Country club 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 300 sq. ft.
    Golf course additional Golf course additional
    Public assembly (with fixed seating) 1 per 4 seats 1 per 2 seats
    Public assembly (without fixed seating) 1 per 40 sq. ft. used for seating 1 per 20 sq. ft. used for seating
    Recreation Area, subdivision 1 per 10 homes 1 per 5 homes
    Recreation, indoor 1 per 300 sq. ft. 1 per 100 sq. ft.
    Recreation, outdoor (miniature golf) 10 spaces 20 spaces
    Recreation, outdoor (water park, amusement) park, etc.) 1 space per 3,000 sq. ft. of the gross site area 1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of the gross site area
    Residences (one and two family dwellings on individual lots) 2 per dwelling 6 per dwelling
    Residences (townhomes) 3 per dwelling 6 per dwelling
    Residences (multifamily) 1.5 per dwelling 3 per dwelling
    Restaurant, freestanding 1 per 150 sq. ft. 1 per 75 sq. ft.
    Retail use, shopping center, or regional shopping mall 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft.
    Rooming/boarding house 1 per 4 beds 1 per 1.5 beds
    School, private (elementary and middle, offering general education) 1.5 per classroom 2 per classroom, plus 1 per 50 sq. ft. of largest assembly area
    School, private (high school offering general education) 3 per classroom 5 per classroom, plus 1 per 50 sq. ft. of largest assembly area
    School, trade, vocational, or college 5 per classroom 10 per classroom, plus 1 per 50 sq. ft. of largest assembly area
    Shelter 1 per 4 beds 1 per 1.5 beds
    Theater 1 per 3 seats 1 per 1.5 seats
    Warehouse (including office) (0 - 100,000 sq. ft.) 1 per 2,500 sq. ft. 1 per 500 sq. ft.
    Warehouse (including office) (100,000 - 250,000 sq. ft.) 1 per 2,500 sq. ft. 1 per 750 sq. ft.
    Warehouse (including office) (>250,000 sq. ft.) 1 per 2,500 sq. ft. 1 per 1,000 sq. ft.
    Wholesale Membership Club 1 per 500 sq. ft. 1 per 200 sq. ft.
    * If fixed seating is not applicable for a worship facility, the seating count shall be equal to the occupant load for the main sanctuary as determined by the Fire Code.


    (Ord. No. UDOA2015-00005(GCID No. 2015-1087), 10-27-15)

    240-30.1  If the required automobile off-street parking spaces cannot reasonably be provided on the same lot on which the principal use is located, such spaces may be provided on other off-street property lying not more than 400 feet from the main entrance to the principal use. In this situation the applicant shall submit with his/her application for a building permit or an occupancy permit an instrument duly executed and acknowledged which accepts as a condition for the issuance of a building permit or an occupancy permit the permanent availability of such off-street parking spaces to serve his /her principal use.

    240-30.2  One-half of the off-street parking spaces required by a use whose peak attendance will be at night or on Sundays may be shared with a use that will be closed at night or on Sundays.

    240-30.3On-street Parking. On-street parking requirements may be found in Chapter 245, On-Street Parking Standards.

    240-30.4Administrative variance. The Director shall have the authority to grant a reduction or increase in the total number of off-street parking spaces by up to 30 percent of the number required by the Table of Minimum Parking Requirements through administrative variance. Such administrative variance requires review and approval of the applicant's written documentation and justification that one or more of the following conditions exist:


    Because of unique circumstances including the shape, topography, soils and vegetation of the site, the provision of the minimum number of required spaces would cause the applicant to suffer unique and undue hardship.


    The site is located in an environmentally sensitive area, such as a water supply watershed, where stormwater runoff should be minimized.


    The unique circumstances of the use make the minimum number of parking spaces excessive for actual needs.

    Section 240-40.   Parking Structures.

    240-40.1  Parking structures shall provide an adequate ingress and egress with a minimum vertical clearance of 14 feet.

    240-40.2  Non-residential, mixed-use, and multifamily residential developments exceeding 1,500 overall parking spaces shall be required to provide at least 25 percent of their overall parking total within a decked or underground parking structure. A building height increase of 1 vertical foot is permitted for each 1 vertical foot of parking placed under a building. Single-family residential or townhouse component(s) of mixed-use developments shall not be subject to this requirement.

    240-40.3  Parking structures shall conform substantially with the Architectural Design Standards for façade and elevation. A Type 1 landscape strip is required per each building elevation facing public streets.

    Section 240-50.   Handicap-accessible Parking.

    Off-street parking shall comply with ADA standards and Georgia State Law for Accessible Design and the Georgia Accessibility Code for Buildings and Facilities for all multifamily and non-residential uses.

    Section 240-60.   Construction and Dimensional Requirements of Parking Areas.

    240-60.1Layout. Except for single and two-family residential uses, all off-street parking areas for more than 5 vehicles shall be laid out, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:


    All parking areas shall have access to a public street and shall be designed to ensure ease of mobility, ample clearance, and the safety of pedestrians and vehicles.


    Adequate interior driveways shall connect each parking space with a public right-of-way. The design of driveways, or parking aisles, shall conform with Section 240-70.


    Bumper stops shall be installed to separate parking spaces from sidewalks, rights-of-way, adjacent properties and landscape strips to prevent overhangs or encroachments. Where required, bumper stops shall be a minimum of 6 inches in height and 6 inches in width. Bumper stops shall be constructed of concrete, stone, or approved equal, and be permanently secured to the pavement surface.

    240-60.2Pedestrian Circulation.


    Non-residential parking lots containing 200 spaces or more shall incorporate pedestrian access corridors into their design.


    Pedestrian corridors shall include 4-foot wide sidewalks with 2-foot grassed strips along at least one side of primary driveways. The pedestrian corridors shall connect parking areas directly with buildings and adjacent public streets. These corridors shall not apply to auto sales lots.


    Where pedestrian corridors cross a driveway, they shall be constructed as a raised, flat hump with a height of 4 inches and a 6-foot wide top with 4-foot wide ramps and marked as a crosswalk; or shall be constructed with an approved contrasting paver and marked as a crosswalk.


    Parking spaces shall not be located more than 200 feet from any pedestrian corridor.

    240-60.3Improvement of off-street parking lots.


    Parking lots shall be graded to insure proper drainage, installed on a minimum 4-inch gravel aggregate base with a minimum 2-inch asphalt topping or other approved surface of, concrete, porous concrete, or porous asphalt. An approved porous concrete, porous asphalt or grassed paving system may be permitted for surplus parking. Spaces with surfaces of modular block or grass shall be located on the outside perimeter of a parking lot.


    Each parking space, except for approved grassed paving systems, shall be clearly marked by a painted stripe no less than 3 inches wide running the length of each of the sides of the space or by curbing or by other acceptable method which clearly marks and delineates the parking space within the parking lot. Single and two-family residential uses are exempt from this provision.


    Maintenance and Appearance: Parking lots shall be maintained in good condition, free of potholes, weeds, dust, trash and debris. Porous paving and grass paving systems shall be maintained to function as designed.

    Section 240-70.   Driveways.

    240-70.1Interior driveways.


    Interior driveways shall connect each parking space with a public right-of-way.


    Inter-parcel driveway connection or provision of a future inter-parcel driveway stub (with appropriate cross-access easements) shall be required between adjacent non-residential properties. This requirement may be waived by the Director only if it is demonstrated that an inter-parcel connection is not feasible due to traffic safety or topographic concerns.


    Interior driveways, with or without parking, shall be 10 to 12 feet wide for one-way traffic, and 22 to 24 feet wide for two-way traffic. Driveways that are determined to be essential fire access shall be increased to a minimum of 20 feet in width.


    Interior driveways providing primary access to loading/unloading zones or loading docks for truck traffic shall be increased to 14 feet in width per travel lane.


    Interior driveways surrounding gasoline pumps shall be increased to 40 feet in total width (as measured from the base of the gasoline pump islands).

    (Ord. No. UDOA2014-00002(GCID No. 2014-1014), 11-4-14)

    240-70.2  For single family residential lots, minimum driveway width shall be 10 feet.

    Section 240-80.   Stacking Lanes for Drive-through Facilities or Service Windows.

    240-80.1  A separate driveway and stacking lane is required for any drive-through window, bank drive-through, ATM stand-alone structure, or drop-off or pick-up area. These stacking lanes shall be separate and distinct from the required through-lane providing circulation around the building or service facility.

    240-80.2The following general standards shall apply to all stacking spaces:


    Each stacking space shall be a minimum of 20 feet in length and 10 feet in width along straight portions.


    Stacking spaces shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width along curved segments.


    Provide adequate queue space for a minimum of five cars per lane.

    (Ord. No. UDOA2014-00001(GCID No. 2014-0548), 7-22-14)

    240-80.3The following general standards shall apply to all stacking lanes:


    Drive-through lanes shall be separated by striping or curbing from off-street parking areas. Individual lanes shall be striped, marked or otherwise distinctly delineated.


    Stacking lanes shall be a minimum of 10 feet in width, and parallel the entire length for the drive-through service area and narrowing to 8.5 feet adjacent to the service window or facility.


    Stacking lanes shall be a minimum of 12 feet in width along curved segments.


    Stacking lanes shall be delineated from traffic aisles, other stacking lanes and parking areas with striping, curbing, landscaping and the use of alternative paving materials or raised medians.


    Entrances to stacking lane(s) shall provide adequate storage length from the nearest intersection.


    Stacking lanes shall be designed to prevent circulation congestion, both on-site and on adjacent public streets. The circulation shall: (a) separate drive-through traffic from site circulation, (b) not impede or impair access into or out of parking spaces, (c) not impede or impair vehicle or pedestrian traffic movement, and (d) minimize conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular traffic with physical and visual separation between the two.


    Stacking lanes shall not interfere with required loading and trash storage areas and loading or trash operations shall not impede or impair vehicle movement. If said separate stacking lane is curbed, an emergency by-pass or exit shall be provided.


    Service areas and stacking lanes shall be set back 5 feet from all lot lines and roadway right-of-way lines.


    All stacking lane entrances shall provide adequate storage length from the nearest intersection.

    (Ord. No. UDOA2014-00001(GCID No. 2014-0548), 7-22-14)

    Section 240-90.   Landscaping in Parking Lots.

    Parking lots shall be designed with landscape areas, in accordance with Chapter 620 of the UDO.

    Section 240-100.   Lighting in Parking Lots.

    240-100.1Within non-residential and multifamily developments, except properties subject to Section 220-30, Activity Center/Corridor Overlay District, the following lighting standards shall apply:


    All lighting fixtures designed or placed so as to illuminate any portion of a site shall meet the following requirements:


    All lighting fixtures (luminaries) shall be cutoff luminaries whose source is completely concealed with an opaque housing. Fixtures shall be recessed in the opaque housing. Drop Dish Refractors are prohibited.


    Light source shall be Light Emitting Diodes (LED), Metal Halide, or Color Corrected High-pressure Sodium not exceeding an average of 4.5 foot-candles of light output throughout the parking area. A single light source type shall be used for any one site. Fixtures must be mounted in such a manner that the cone of the light is not directed at any property line of sight. The minimum mounting height for a pole is 12 feet. The maximum mounting height for a pole is 25 feet excluding a 3-foot base.


    All site lighting shall be designed so that the minimum and maximum levels of illumination as measured in foot-candles (f-c) at any one point meets the standards shown in Table 240.2.


    Average level of illumination shall not exceed the calculated value, as derived using only the area of the site included to receive illumination.


    Points of measure shall not include the area of the building or areas which do not lend themselves to pedestrian traffic.

    Table 240.2: Illumination Levels (In Foot-Candles)

    Location or Type of Lighting Minimum Level Average Level Maximum Level
    Non-residential Parking Lots 0.6 2.40 10.0
    Multifamily Residential Parking Lots 0.2 1.50 10.0
    Walkways, Access Drives and Loading/Unloading Areas 0.2 2.00 10.0
    Landscaped Areas 0.0 0.50 5.0


    Maximum levels for high security areas shall be 12.0 foot-candles. Examples of high security areas include entrances and exits of buildings and ATM machines.


    Exceptions to site lighting standards:


    Lighting activated by motion sensor.


    Construction or emergency lighting provided it is temporary and is discontinued immediately upon construction completion or emergency cessation.


    Security lighting less than 2.0 average foot-candles.


    Site Lighting Plans shall be submitted to the Director and indicate the following:


    Location and mounting information for each light.


    Illumination calculations showing light levels in foot candles at points located on a 10 foot center grid, including an illustration of the areas masked out per the requirements above regarding points of measurements.


    A schedule listing the fixture design, type of lamp, distribution and wattage of each fixture, and number of lumens.


    Manufacturer's photometric data for each type of light fixture, including initial lumens and mean depreciation values.


    An illumination summary, including the minimum average and maximum foot-candle calculations ("array values") and the total number of array points (points used on the 10 foot grid calculations).

    Section 240-110.   Vehicle Parking Area.

    240-110.1  In any commercial or office zoning district, delivery/service vehicles and vehicles displaying advertising must be parked within the side or rear yard and may not be parked within the front yard.

    240-110.2  Except as permitted in Section 240-10.3 in all residential zoning districts, the parking of the following vehicles is prohibited: any vehicle for hire including but not limited to limousines, taxis, box trucks, flatbed trucks, dump trucks, tow trucks, transport wreckers, tandem axle trucks, cab-on-chassis trucks, tractor trailers, wheeled attachments, pull behind cement mixers, or trailers, bucket trucks, buses, earth moving machinery, semi-trailers, and this restriction also applies to any vehicle over 20 feet in length, or 7 feet in height, or 7 feet in width. Vehicles used for agricultural purposes on residential property with five (5) acres or more are permitted if parked outside the required front yard setback.

    240-110.3Notwithstanding the above provisions of Section 240-110, in all residential zoning districts, the parking of the following vehicles is permitted:


    An automobile, pick-up truck, van, or SUV used to provide daily transportation to and from work (except those vehicles that fall under the requirements for Section 230-130 Customary Home Occupation).


    A commercial vehicle that is parked temporarily in conjunction with a commercial service, sale, or delivery.

    Section 240-120.   Off-Street Loading Standards.

    240-120.1Purpose and intent.


    To ensure that off-street loading facilities and driveways are adequate to protect the safety and capacity of public streets.


    To ensure that the design and location of off-street loading facilities do not have a negative impact on adjacent property or surrounding residential areas.

    240-120.2Application. Whenever the normal operation of any development requires that goods, merchandise or equipment be routinely delivered to or shipped from the development, a sufficient off-street loading and unloading area shall be provided in accordance with this section of the UDO. Loading docks meet this requirement.

    240-120.3Minimum number of spaces. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided as follows:

    No area allocated to loading and unloading facilities may be used to satisfy the area requirements for off-street parking, nor shall any portion of any off-street parking area be used to satisfy the area requirements for loading and unloading facilities.

    Table 240.3: Off-street Loading Requirements.

    Type of Use Gross Floor Area (Sq. Ft.) Loading Spaces Required
    Single retail establishment services 0 to 19,999; None
    20,000 to 49,999; One
    50,000 to 250,000; Two
    Over 250,000 Three
    Shopping centers 0 to 19,999; None
    20,000 to 49,999; One
    50,000 to 100,000; Two
    Each additional 100,000 One
    Office buildings, multi-family residential over 4 stories, hospitals, health care establishments, hotels and motels 0 to 999,999; None
    1,000,000 to 2,000,000; One
    More than 2,000,000 Two
    Manufacturing, warehousing, wholesaling, etc. Up to 14,999; One
    15,000 to 39,999; Two
    40,000 to 65,000; Three
    Each additional 80,000 One
    Recycling centers 2 loading spaces measuring no less than 12 ft. by 35 ft. and having 14 ft. of vertical clearing


    240-120.4Location of off-street loading spaces.


    All required off-street loading spaces shall be located on the same lot as the building that they are intended to serve or on an adjacent lot where shared with the use occupying said adjacent lot.


    Each required off-street loading space shall have direct access to a street or alley that provides safe and adequate ingress and egress for trucks.

    240-120.5  Areas reserved for off-street loading, in accordance with the requirements of this UDO, shall not be reduced in area or changed to any other use unless the permitted use that is served, is discontinued or modified; except where equivalent loading space is provided and approved by the Director.

    Section 240-130.   Construction and Dimensions of Off-street Loading.

    240-130.1Required dimensions for each loading stall. Each loading stall shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and 30 feet in length, except that for wholesale and industrial use, loading stalls shall be a minimum of 10 feet wide and 50 feet in length.

    240-130.2  Loading areas shall provide adequate ingress and egress with a minimum vertical clearance of 12 feet and a driveway grade no greater than 4 percent. The loading area shall not exceed a grade of 2 percent.

    240-130.3Paving. All required loading areas shall be paved with asphalt or concrete or other materials subject to approval by the Director. Paving areas shall be of sufficient size and strength to support the weight of service vehicles.

    120-130.4Screening. Loading areas shall be screened from public view with vegetative or non-vegetative material such as an opaque fence, wall, or evergreen trees and shrubs or a combination thereof. Screening requirements can be found in Section 610-20.3 of this Ordinance.

    (Ord. No. UDOA2014-00001(GCID No. 2014-0548), 7-22-14)

    Section 240-140.   Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment.

    240-140.1. Commercial and multifamily developments which exceed 50 parking spaces shall provide at least one electric vehicle charging station (pedestal) for each 50 parking spaces.

    240-140.2. Commercial and multifamily redevelopments which exceed 50 parking spaces shall provide at least one electric vehicle charging station (pedestal) for each 50 parking spaces Compliance with this subsection is required for redevelopment projects where site work and/or repaving of existing parking areas and driveways (greater than 50 parking spaces) exceeds 50% of the existing impervious surface area.

(Ord. No. UDOA2018-00003 GCID2018-1389 , Exh. A, 10-23-2018