Gwinnett County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 210. Base Zoning Districts |
§ 210-60. R-60 Single-Family Residence District.
210-60.1 Purpose and Intent. This zoning district is intended primarily for Single-family detached residences and accessory uses on land where urban services, including public water and sewer are available.
210-60.2 Permitted Uses. Uses permitted in the R-60 District are listed in the Table of Permitted and Special Uses found in Section 230-100, provided that they comply with the Supplemental Use Standards of Section 230-130.
210-60.3 Accessory Uses and Structures. Accessory uses and structures shall be permitted in the R-60 District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted and Special Uses and provisions detailed in Section 230-120 Accessory Use Standards of the UDO.
210-60.4 Special Uses. Special uses may be permitted in the R-60 District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted Uses and Special Uses. Special uses shall be subject to approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Section 270-30 and may be subject to Supplemental Use Standards established in Section 230-130 of the UDO.
210-60.5 Property Development Standards. Property in the R-60 District shall be developed in accordance with Section 230-10 of the UDO, Dimensional Standards of Zoning Districts, the applicable site related provisions of Title 3 of the UDO, and the following additional standards:
The subdivision development shall have a minimum land area of at least five contiguous acres.
Dwellings shall include double-car garages and where garages are front entry, driveways shall be 16 feet in width. On cul-de-sac lots driveways may taper from 16 feet at the right-of-way line to the street pavement, but a minimum 16 foot by 35 foot paved parking area must be provided.
Provide a minimum 40-foot building setback adjacent to exterior streets. The setback may be reduced to 30 feet if a berm, landscaping, fence, or wall is provided adjacent to the exterior street(s).
All grassed areas on dwelling lots shall be sodded.