§ 210-200. MU-N Neighborhood Mixed-Use District.  

Latest version.
  • 210-200.1Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the Neighborhood Mixed-Use District (MU-N) is to promote complementary groupings of small-scale mixed-use buildings that are within walking distance and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. It is the intent of this district to provide for diverse housing options to accommodate multigenerational communities with a range of residential building forms, lot sizes and dwelling sizes and neighborhood-oriented retail, services and low intensity office uses that are within convenient walking distances.

    210-200.2Applicability. Developments requesting rezoning to the MU-N district should be located in Community Mixed-Use and Corridor Mixed-Use Character Areas identified in the 2030 Unified Plan.

    210-200.3Permitted Uses. Uses permitted in the MU-N District are listed in the Table of Permitted and Special Uses in Section 230-100, provided that they comply with the Supplemental Use Standards of Section 230-130.

    210-200.4Accessory Uses and Structures. Accessory uses and structures shall be permitted in the MU-N District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted and Special Uses and provisions detailed in Section 230-120 Accessory Use Standards of the UDO.

    210-200.5Special Uses. Special Uses may be permitted in the MU-N District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted and Special Uses. Special uses shall be subject to approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Section 270-30 and may be subject to the additional Supplemental Use Standards established in Section 230-130 of the UDO.

    210-200.6Minimum specifications for development of the MU-N Neighborhood Mixed-Use District.


    Include at minimum two or more major land use categories chosen from the permitted uses listed in Section 230-100 provided that no single land use category shall constitute less than 20 percent of the development gross floor area.


    Retail, services and professional uses shall be the primary uses of the ground floor of vertically mixed use buildings to encourage walkability and pedestrian orientation.


    Residential uses are permitted within both horizontally or vertically mixed use buildings with a maximum density of eight dwelling units/acre (project acreage).