Gwinnett County |
Code of Ordinances |
Chapter 210. Base Zoning Districts |
§ 210-180. C-3 Highway Business District.
210-180.1 Purpose and Intent. The C-3 Highway Business District is intended for business uses which require locations accessible to major highways and arterials that serve significant portions of the community. The C-3 district allows an intensity of development and uses that is greater than in the C-2 General Business District because it is intended to serve a greater population and to offer a wider range of goods and services. Due to the nature of the businesses permitted within the C-3 district, the zoning district should be limited to property fronting on principal arterials, major arterials or minor arterials, not indicated as residential arterials, as shown on the Long Range Road Classification Map. C-3 Districts should provide an internal transition in intensity or provide a step-down to less intensive zoning districts when adjacent to residential districts.
210-180.2 Permitted Uses. Uses permitted in the C-3 District are as listed in the UDO in Section 230-100 Table of Permitted and Special Uses provided that they comply with the Supplemental Use Standards of Section 230-130.
210-180.3 Accessory Uses and Structures. Accessory uses and structures shall be permitted in the C-3 District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted and Special Uses and provisions detailed in Section 230-120 Accessory Use Standards of the UDO.
210-180.4 Special Uses. Special uses may be permitted in the C-3 District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted Uses. Special uses shall be subject to approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Section 270-30 and may be subject to the additional Supplemental Use Standards established in Section 230-130 of the UDO.
210-180.5 Property Development Standards. Property in the C-3 District shall be developed in accordance with Section 230-10 Dimensional Standards of Zoning Districts and the applicable site related provisions contained in Title 3 of the UDO.