§ 210-100. R-TH Residence Townhouse District.  

Latest version.
  • 210-100.1Purpose and Intent. This zoning district is intended primarily for townhouse dwellings with a maximum density of 8 units per acre in areas where public water supply and sewerage facilities are available or can be obtained and where there is convenient access to collector streets, major thoroughfares or state or interstate highways.

    This zoning district is intended exclusively for townhouse dwelling units, villas, residential dormitories, customary accessory uses and structures for development after January 2005. Residential dormitories will only be permitted adjacent to Georgia Gwinnett College property and will be for the exclusive use of students and/or staff of the college.

    210-100.2Permitted Uses. Uses permitted in the R-TH District are listed in the Table of Permitted and Special Uses found in Section 230-100, provided that they comply with the Supplemental Use Standards of Section 230-130.

    210-100.3Accessory Uses and Structures. Accessory uses and structures shall be permitted in the R-TH District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted and Special Uses and provisions detailed in Section 230-120, Accessory Use Standards of the UDO.

    210-100.4Special Uses. Special uses may be permitted in the R-TH District in accordance with Section 230-100 Table of Permitted Uses. Special uses shall be subject to approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Section 270-30 and may be subject to the additional Supplemental Use Standards established in Section 230-130 of the UDO.

    210-100.5Property Development Standards. Property in the R-TH District shall be developed in accordance with Section 230-10 Dimensional Standards of Zoning Districts and the applicable site related provisions contained in Title 3 of the UDO.

    210-100.6Architectural Standards/ Design. All development in the R-TH District shall be in conformity with the Gwinnett County Architectural Design Standards and be in substantial conformity with the UDO Design Guidelines.

    For developments prior to January 2005, refer to the UDO: Appendix of Inactive Zoning Districts.


    Within the R-TH Single Family Residence Townhouse District, the following requirements shall be met:


    Maximum density: Eight (8) units per acre;

    Residential dormitories shall be limited to a maximum of 90 beds per acre.


    Lot Area — No Minimum for townhomes or villas;

    Minimum 3 acres for residential dormitories.


    Lot Width — No Minimum for townhomes or villas;

    Minimum 100 feet for residential dormitories.


    Internal Road Frontage - No Minimum.


    External Road Frontage For Overall Development — 50-feet.


    Minimum unit width:


    Twenty-two feet for double-car garage townhomes.


    Eighteen feet for single-car garage townhomes.


    Forty feet for villas.


    Maximum height: 35-feet for townhomes or villas;

    Four stories for residential dormitories.


    Internal yard requirements: A 20-foot grassed or landscaped strip shall be provided between all buildings and interior driveways/streets.


    External yard requirements:


    Front yard: 50-Feet


    Side yard: 40-Feet


    Rear yard: 40-Feet


    Provide three or more off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit for townhomes and villas. At least 80 percent of required parking areas for overall development must be located directly in the front or rear of the dwelling units. The balance of the parking spaces may be located in a parking facility separated from the units. All townhome and villas units shall require at least single-car garages.

    Residential Dormitories shall have a minimum of one parking space per bed and a maximum of 1.5 parking spaces per bed. Parking decks shall be allowed for residential dormitories. The maximum parking space allowance may be exceeded in any amount when a parking deck and/or underground parking structure is constructed to accommodate at least 50 percent of the maximum parking allowance. Excess parking may be shared with the adjacent school facilities.


    All grassed areas shall be sodded.


    Provide sidewalks adjacent to both sides of interior streets or private driveways. Design shall be per Development Regulations.


    A minimum of three and maximum of eight, dwelling units shall be allowed in each row of townhouses. Villas shall have a minimum of three units and a maximum of four units per building.


    All utilities shall be placed underground.


    A 50-foot wide landscaped setback shall be provided along all exterior street frontages. The landscaped setback may incorporate natural vegetation and shall include a decorative fence/wall and entrance monument. The fence may be constructed as a solid brick or stacked stone wall, or as a wrought iron-style fence with brick or stacked stone columns (maximum 30-feet on-center).


    Concept Plan Review. The purpose of the concept plan review is to encourage logic, imagination, innovation, and variety in the design process and ensure the soundness of the proposed development and its compatibility with the surrounding area. The Director of Planning and Development shall review plans for compliance with concept plan review criteria. The recommendations of both the Director of Planning and Development and the Planning Commission shall be transmitted to the Board of Commissioners. Through the rezoning process, the Board of Commissioners may condition approval of an R-TH request to a specific concept plan, or require a future site plan review by the Planning Commission.

    The following exhibits shall be prepared by design professionals, such as planners, engineers, architects, or landscape architects, and submitted to the Department of Planning and Development. No application for an R-TH district shall be accepted for processing without these required exhibits.


    A location map indicating existing zoning on the site and the adjacent areas.


    A concept plan drawn no smaller than 1 inch equals 100 feet, including the following information:


    Lot lines and setbacks;


    Topography with contour intervals greater than 20 feet;


    Lakes, ponds and floodplains and the sources of floodplain data;


    Stormwater detention areas;


    Recreation facilities (if applicable);


    Location of typical off-street parking.


    Color elevations of front, sides and rear of all typical units, including proposed building material, and any other structures such as recreation buildings.


    Information indicating the following:


    Gross and net acreage (see definition of net density);


    Lot sizes (typical dimensions and square footage);


    Amount of common open space in square feet (if applicable);


    Such other architectural and engineering data as may be required to evaluate the project.

(Ord. No. UDOA2014-00001(GCID No. 2014-0548), 7-22-14)